Was a mix of nerves and excitement for me. Networking with professionals can be intimidating as a student, but I was eager to learn and make connections. Throughout the event, I listened attentively to the speakers and took detailed notes on their insights.
What stood out to me was the emphasis on job prospects after university and the importance of networking. Learning that while it’s competitive to secure a job straight after university, there are always opportunities for those who are persistent and well-connected was reassuring. The emphasis on the importance of interpersonal skills and being a good person to work with resonated with me deeply.
Moreover, the discussions on handling feedback left a lasting impression on me. Understanding that feedback is essential for growth and improvement, I noted the importance of asking specific questions, maintaining objectivity, and seeking feedback from diverse perspectives. It became evident that effective feedback is not just about receiving criticism but also about deciphering what the client truly wants and incorporating their preferences into the design process.
I made connections with several professionals who shared valuable advice on topics such as adapting to AI, handling feedback, and navigating the job market. Their insights on using AI as a tool to enhance design processes and the importance of seeking feedback from diverse perspectives were particularly enlightening.
Based on the insights gained from this event, I plan to approach conversations with more confidence and initiative in future networking events. I also realise the importance of following up with the connections I made to nurture my network for future career opportunities.
Overall, the industry engagement event was an invaluable learning experience that provided practical insights and valuable connections to support my journey as a budding designer.
Featured image from: https://tradefest.io/en/tag/graphic-design